Published September 12, 2023

This report is an assessment of the 2023 voter registration in Mozambique, underaken by the ”More Integrity” Electoral Consortium” (CEMI). This assessment is based on analysing the framework that governs voter registration and its methodology and technology. It is also based on direct observation of the voter registration operations over 45 days in 27 municipalities, done by a team of 68 observers. The report also analyses, in a preliminary manner, the data produced by the registration.
Among the various dimensions of the observation, attention was paid to the operation and level of preparation of the registration brigades, compliance with the opening hours of the registration posts, the availability and functioining of the equipment and material, the efficiency of the process, the issuing of voter cards, the accessibility of the registration posts to people with disabilities, the participation of women and young people, access to information, the exercise of freedom of expression and of the press, and the coverage of the registration by the mass media, among others.

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